June/July 2024 Newsletter
Here’s our news and information for June/July.
Info & updates
· Welcome to the final term of Pre-School, our last day is on Friday 19th July.
· When summer decides to arrive please pack a sun hat and apply sun cream before school as we cannot apply it during the day.
· Please no open toe or open back shoes for safety reasons.
· Please do not use your phones on the Pre-School grounds.
· Sensible clothing for outdoor play.
· Snack in bags please not lunch boxes.
· Please no chocolate spread.
Bake Sale-
The trustees will be holding a bake sale in the Pre-School garden on Friday the 14th June at 2.30pm, to support our fundraising aspirations – more below.
Fundraising- 16th June
Holly is going to be running a trail (and hilly) half marathon on Sunday 16th June, we would like to raise money to buy an interactive whiteboard to teach early math and phonics to our children getting ready to go to school. This will help them transition in to year R with the pre knowledge in those areas before they start. What we need to raise money to be able to do this:
Interactive Whiteboard, Computer, Subscription to Twinkle- Estimate £2500.
The Run- The Hampshire Hoppit Half Marathon- Starts and ends at Kingsclere on the Hampshire/Berkshire border, reaching some of the highest points in Hampshire. Fundraising letter to follow.
Returning Parents-
Please hand back all funding forms by Friday 21st June. Thank you!
Plastic Free Nurseries Surfers Against Sewage Project
We will be taking party in plastic free nurseries this term, please support us by not packing single use plastic into your child’s lunch box.
To celebrate environment day, we are planning a walk around the block to pick up litter we find on Friday 7th June at 9.30am. Any parents/carers that would like to help will be much appreciated.
Curriculum Summer Term: Health me.
Intent: Healthy habits for a healthy me.
Policies to Review – Equality of Opportunity, information and records.
These are the polices we will be reviewing this term; they can be found on our website. Please let us know if you would like to make any changes to them.
Our inset days are:
July 22nd and July 23rd
That’s all for June and July.
From the Padnell Pre-School Team